By adhering 100 % even without jointing and welding places, the details can be solved. It has 400% elasticity and advanced adhesion quality. It has high resistance against tear and breakage. It can be left directly exposed to water ponding and plant roof contact.

One of the most critical sections of a building is its roof. A faulty roof not only causes increased maintenance costs but also problems related to the long-term resistance of building.

Coniroof systems that protect roofs can be applied on any kinds of old and new roofs. Thanks to its advanced polyurethane technology it is totally waterproof. It can form continuous membranes and jointless systems with high elasticity.


  • Terraces exposed to UV
  • Water isolation of flooding pools
  • Ponds
  • Ground based, groundwork, terrace and partition isolation
  • Places open to car traffic (open car park)
  • Terraces where machinery equipments are numerous
  • Any type of isolation of concrete structures
  • Trapeze roofs


Crack Bridgind
Crack Bridgind

All the cracks are totally covered. The contact of humidity, water and corrosive substances are thus eliminated.

Perfect Adherence
Perfect Adherence

Applied to a different ground with the preparation of the right base and the right coat.

Perfect Resistance to Weather Conditions
Perfect Resistance to Weather Conditions

Preserves the elastomeric specialties between -40 / +120 ºC. It is resistant to high temperatures such as 250 ºC. It is also resistant to extreme weather conditions.

Sound Absorption and Prevention width=
Sound Absorption and Prevention

Due to its soft structure it absorbs sounds.

Flame Resistance
Flame Resistance

It is resistant to DIN 4102 Section 2.

Water Resist
Water Resist

Provides a homogenous seamless, and soft-spot-free one piece isolation.

Resistant to Root and Micro Organisms
Resistant to Root and Micro Organisms

Has a plant root endurance certificate.

Vapor Permeable
Vapor Permeable

Lets the construction breathe.

Resistant to High Repture and Tearing Strength
Resistant to High Repture and Tearing Strength

Resistant to high tearing strength with %450 elasticity.

Resistant to Weather Comditions
Resistant to Weather Comditions

Resistant to hydrolysis hot/cold weather changes and ozone.

Resistant to Abrasion
Resistant to Abrasion

Perfect resistance to abrasion even in wet environments.

Resistant to Chemicals
Resistant to Chemicals

Perfect resistance to corrosive chemicals. Resistant to icing inhibitor salt, dilute acid and bases etc.