The performance of a true cure, hardener and densifier in a single application.
- Easy auto-scrub f inal cleanup
- Cont rib utes to LEED EQ credit 4.2
- Cures, Hardens and Densities in a single application immediately afte r fin ishing
- Easy to apply, ready to use liquid can be applied by either the concrete fin ishing
con tractor or sub-cont ractor - Saves money and time reducing costly labor steps in application and clean ing
- Does not need sunlight to dissipate and w ill beg in to breakdow n w ithin 14-28 days
- Minimizes hairline cracking , dusting, spalling, and other surface defects common to imp ro perly cured concrete
- Provides improved resistance to chem icals, oil, grease, de-icing salts, and abrasion dur ing construct ion
- Provides an att ractive sheen that enhances t he natural appea rance of concrete
- Will not cont rib ute to surface crazing or surface ASR
- Reduces alka lin ity and efflorescence